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Learning About Car Insurance

Hello, my name is Cliff Bolton. Welcome to my site about vehicle insurance. I wanted to learn all I could about insurance before I started driving to go into the decision-making process with ease. Once I started exploring the insurance industry, however, I could not stop reading. I learned all I needed to know to obtain car insurance and much, much more. I created this site to share this knowledge with my readers. I hope to help others tackle this important decision without worry. Please feel free to drop by daily to learn new information about this important topic. Thank you for visiting my site.


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Learning About Car Insurance

3 Facts You Should Know About Uninsured Motorist Coverage

by June Peterson

When purchasing a new car insurance policy, you will be given the choice of purchasing additional different types of optional coverage. One of these optional types of coverage is known as uninsured motorist coverage. If you are not familiar with this coverage option or have chosen to decline this coverage in the past, you should take a few moments to review the facts outlined below before deciding whether or not to add this type of coverage to your next auto insurance quote. 

Fact: Uninsured Motorist Coverage Can Protect You in the Event of a Hit-and-Run

In the event your vehicle is damaged as the result of a hit-and-run accident, you could find yourself paying for all of your repair bills and medical costs out of your own pocket if you decline to carry uninsured motorist coverage. This is true even if the other vehicle is completely at fault for causing the accident. This is because liability coverage is not designed to protect you against financial losses. Instead, the purpose of liability insurance is to protect other drivers if you cause an accident. With uninsured motorist coverage, you will be able to file a claim for any losses resulting from a hit-and-run accident since there is no way to hold the other driver liable.

Fact: Uninsured Motorist Coverage Covers More Than Just Repair Bills

In addition to providing coverage for damage to your vehicle resulting from an accident with an uninsured driver, uninsured motorist insurance will also allow you to file a claim for losses such as medical bills, loss of income, and pain and suffering. This is the most comprehensive type of car insurance coverage you can have to cover your potential losses since other coverage options such as personal injury protection only provide coverage for medical costs and not punitive damages such as pain and suffering. 

Fact: Collision Coverage Is Not a Substitute for Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Individuals who carry collision coverage as part of their car insurance policy often mistakenly believe that they do not need to carry uninsured motorist coverage since they have property protection for their own vehicle included in their current policy. The truth however is that collision coverage is not a substitute for uninsured motorist coverage. This is because collision insurance covers your vehicle if you are found to be at fault for causing the accident. These policies will often provide no coverage if the other driver is found to be at fault but simply does not have insurance coverage to pay for the damage they have caused.  
